Immerse yourself in a culinary paradise with this exquisite summer berry dessert. Experience the juicy sweetness of raspberries, and the vibrant allure of strawberries, harmoniously enveloped in a velvety cream mixture. Delicately garnished with fresh mint leaves, this dessert offers a symphony of refreshing flavors and luxurious textures. Indulge in the epitome of summertime bliss with this captivating dessert that will leave you craving for more.


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  1. Start by washing the raspberries, strawberries. Gently pat them dry to remove any excess water.
  2. Grab a medium-sized bowl and let’s get started on the cream mixture. Remember, we want it to be nice and chilled, so take your sour cream straight from the fridge and place it in the bowl.
  3. Now, for that special touch, we’re going to add a little twist. In a separate small cup, dissolve the gelatin in boiling water, stirring until it completely dissolves. Give it a few minutes to cool slightly.
  4. Pour the gelatin mixture into the bowl with the sour cream, and mix it well. We want that gelatin to be fully incorporated into the creamy goodness.
  5. It’s time to add a touch of sweetness. Sprinkle in the sugar and pour in the vanilla extract. Give everything a good stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. Now, let’s showcase those beautiful berries. Take a suitable serving dish or individual glasses and arrange the berries in them, creating a lovely colorful display.
  7. Pour the creamy mixture over the berries, ensuring they are all generously coated. To evenly distribute the mixture, give the dish or glasses a gentle shake or two.
  8. Pop your creation into the refrigerator and let it chill for at least a few hours or even overnight. We want that gelatin to set and transform this dessert into a firm and delightful treat.
  9. Just before serving, let’s add a touch of freshness. Sprinkle some fresh mint leaves over the top, infusing the dessert with a burst of aromatic flavor.
  10. Now, it’s time to serve up this quick and refreshing summer berry dessert. Make sure it’s nice and chilled, allowing the flavors to meld together beautifully. Take a moment to appreciate the vibrant colors and the delightful combination of textures. Enjoy the burst of summer in every bite!

Note: Feel free to experiment with the sweetness level by adjusting the amount of sugar to suit your taste. Don’t be afraid to explore different combinations of berries or add your favorite fruits to customize this dessert. Let your creativity shine!

Why Summer Berry Dessert Recipe is Good for Health

Abundance of Berries. This recipe features a generous amount of raspberries, and strawberries, which are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These berries are known for their potential health benefits, including boosting the immune system, promoting heart health, and reducing inflammation.

Nutrient-Rich Cream. The use of sour cream provides a creamy base for the dessert while offering beneficial nutrients like calcium, protein, and probiotics. Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth, while protein supports muscle growth and repair. Probiotics promote a healthy gut microbiome, which is vital for overall digestion and immune function.

Controlled Sugar Content. The amount of sugar added to the recipe can be adjusted according to personal preference. Keeping the sugar content in check can help maintain stable blood sugar levels and prevent excessive calorie intake, which is beneficial for overall health and weight management.

Gelatin Benefits. Gelatin, derived from dissolved gelatin powder, provides a natural source of collagen. Collagen is known for its potential benefits for skin health, joint health, and gut health. Gelatin can also aid in digestion and improve the integrity of the gut lining.

Fresh Mint Garnish. The addition of fresh mint leaves not only enhances the visual appeal and aroma of the dessert but also offers potential health benefits. Mint is known for its digestive properties, helping to soothe the stomach and relieve indigestion.

Overall, this recipe combines the natural goodness of berries, the nutritional benefits of sour cream, and the potential health perks of gelatin and fresh mint. Enjoying this dessert in moderation can be a flavorful and health-conscious choice for satisfying your sweet tooth.

Note about Gelatin Usage

Gelatin is commonly used in dessert recipes as a thickening agent and to help the dessert set. It is derived from animal sources, such as collagen found in the bones and connective tissues of animals. If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet or have dietary restrictions related to animal products, you can explore alternative gelatin options made from plant-based ingredients like agar-agar or carrageenan.

Ensure to read the product labels carefully or seek out specifically labeled vegetarian or vegan gelatin substitutes if needed. These substitutes may require different preparation methods or quantities, so it’s advisable to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Please note that gelatin has a limited shelf life and can spoil if not stored properly. It is essential to check the expiration date on the gelatin package before use. Once opened, it is recommended to store gelatin in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Additionally, if the gelatin mixture is prepared but not immediately used in the recipe, it should be refrigerated promptly to prevent bacterial growth. Be sure to follow proper food safety guidelines and discard any gelatin mixture that has been left at room temperature for an extended period.

To maintain the quality and safety of your dessert, it is advisable to prepare and consume the gelatin-based dessert within a reasonable timeframe. If you have any concerns about the freshness or safety of your gelatin, it is best to discard it and use a fresh batch for optimal results.

Why Is Gelatin Good for You?

Video by Healthline

Why this recipe can be a risk to health

While this recipe can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, there are a few considerations to keep in mind regarding potential health risks:

  • Added Sugar. The recipe includes sugar to enhance the sweetness of the dessert. Consuming excessive amounts of added sugars has been linked to various health issues, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and dental problems. It’s important to moderate your overall sugar intake and consider reducing the amount of sugar used in the recipe to align with your dietary needs.
  • Gelatin. Gelatin is derived from animal sources and may not be suitable for individuals following vegetarian or vegan diets. Additionally, some people may have allergies or sensitivities to gelatin. If you have dietary restrictions or concerns, consider using plant-based alternatives like agar-agar or carrageenan, which can provide a similar thickening effect.
  • Individual Sensitivities. Every person’s body is unique, and individuals may have specific allergies, intolerances, or sensitivities to certain ingredients used in the recipe. It’s essential to be aware of any personal dietary restrictions or known sensitivities and adjust the recipe accordingly or seek suitable alternatives.
  • Portion Control. While this dessert can be a delicious treat, it’s crucial to practice portion control to avoid overconsumption of calories, sugar, and fats. Enjoying the dessert in moderation as part of a balanced diet is key to maintaining overall health and well-being.

As with any recipe, it’s always advisable to consider your individual health needs, consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian if necessary, and make modifications as needed to ensure it aligns with your dietary requirements.

Why This Recipe is Kid-Friendly

  1. Delicious and Appealing: The combination of fresh berries, creamy texture, and sweet flavors make this dessert highly appealing to kids. The vibrant colors of the berries and the refreshing taste are likely to entice their interest and curiosity.
  2. Easy to Make: This recipe is relatively simple and can be prepared quickly, which is ideal for busy parents or when involving children in the kitchen. The steps are straightforward, allowing kids to participate in washing the berries, mixing the ingredients, and arranging the dessert.
  3. Customizable: Kids love having options and being able to make choices. This recipe can be customized to their preferences by using their favorite berries or adding other fruits they enjoy. Allowing them to participate in the selection process can make them feel more engaged and excited about the final result.
  4. Fun and Engaging: The process of layering the berries and pouring the creamy mixture over them can be an enjoyable and interactive experience for kids. They can also get creative with the presentation, using different shapes of serving dishes or decorating with additional toppings like sprinkles or chocolate shavings (if desired).
  5. Healthier Option: Compared to many store-bought desserts, this recipe offers a healthier alternative. It includes fresh fruits and allows control over the amount of added sugar, making it a more nutritious choice for kids. Parents can also opt for low-fat or Greek yogurt instead of sour cream to further enhance its nutritional value.
  6. Introduction to New Flavors: Introducing kids to a variety of flavors and textures is important for their palate development. This dessert exposes them to the natural sweetness of berries and the creamy texture of the mixture, positively expanding their culinary experiences.

Overall, this recipe offers a kid-friendly combination of taste, simplicity, and customization. It can be a fun and engaging activity to involve children in the kitchen while introducing them to wholesome and delicious flavors.

How you can make this recipe vegetarian

To make this recipe vegetarian, you can make a few simple substitutions:

  1. Gelatin Alternative. Gelatin is derived from animal sources, so to replace it, you can use vegetarian-friendly alternatives like agar-agar or carrageenan. These plant-based alternatives can provide a similar thickening effect. Follow the instructions on the packaging to dissolve the vegetarian gelatin substitute in boiling water before incorporating it into the recipe.
  2. Sour Cream or Yogurt. Choose a vegetarian-friendly option for sour cream or yogurt. Look for products labeled as vegetarian or check the ingredients list to ensure they don’t contain any animal-derived additives or gelatin. Options like plant-based yogurt or sour cream made from nuts, soy, or coconut can be substituted.

By making these simple changes, you can transform the recipe into a vegetarian-friendly version while still enjoying the delightful flavors and textures of the summer berry dessert.

What time could take this recipe cooking

This recipe can typically be prepared and cooked within the following timeframe:

  • Preparation Time: Approximately 15 minutes,
  • Chilling Time: At least a few hours or overnight.

The preparation time includes washing the berries, preparing the cream mixture, arranging them in a serving dish or glasses, and pouring the cream mixture over them. This process should take around 15 minutes, assuming the ingredients are readily available.

After preparing the dessert, it needs to be chilled in the refrigerator for at least a few hours or overnight to allow the gelatin to set and the flavors to meld together. The exact chilling time will depend on your preference and the desired firmness of the dessert. It is recommended to check the firmness periodically and remove it from the refrigerator when it has reached your desired consistency.

Overall, the total time required for this recipe, including preparation and chilling, will vary but should generally take approximately 15 minutes for preparation and several hours for chilling.

Serving Variation: Individual Berry Parfaits

If you’d like to present the summer berry dessert differently, you can create individual berry parfaits. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Follow the recipe instructions to prepare the cream mixture and wash the berries.
  2. Instead of pouring the cream mixture over the berries in a single serving dish, layer the berries and cream mixture alternately in individual serving glasses or jars. Start with a layer of berries at the bottom of each glass, followed by a layer of the cream mixture. Repeat this layering process until the glasses are filled, finishing with a layer of cream on top.
  3. After layering the dessert, you can optionally top each parfait with a few additional berries for an extra pop of color.
  4. Cover the individual glasses or jars with plastic wrap and refrigerate them for the recommended chilling time to allow the gelatin to set and the flavors to meld together.
  5. Once chilled and set, remove the plastic wrap and garnish each parfait with a sprig of fresh mint leaves.
  6. Serve the individual berry parfaits chilled and enjoy the beautiful layers of berries and cream. They make for an elegant and personalized presentation, perfect for individual servings or when entertaining guests.

This serving variation adds an element of visual appeal and portion control, allowing each person to enjoy their parfait. It also offers a convenient grab-and-go option if you prefer serving individual portions.Summer Berry Dessert 5

Where you can buy Gelatin or its variation in the USA, UK, EU, Australia, Canada

You can buy gelatin or its variations in various places depending on your location. Here are some common options in different regions:

United States (USA):

  • Grocery Stores: Gelatin is typically available in the baking or dessert aisle of most grocery stores. Look for brands like Knox or Jell-O.
  • Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, Walmart, or specialty baking supply stores offer a wide range of gelatin products and alternatives.

United Kingdom (UK):

  • Supermarkets: Gelatin is commonly found in supermarkets, usually in the baking or dessert section. Look for brands like Dr. Oetker or Supercook.
  • Health Food Stores: Health food stores often stock vegetarian or vegan gelatin alternatives like agar-agar or carrageenan.

European Union (EU):

  • Supermarkets: Gelatin can be found in supermarkets throughout the EU, typically in the baking or dessert aisle. Brands like Dr. Oetker or Ancel are commonly available.
  • Specialty Stores: Specialty baking supply stores or health food stores may offer a wider selection of gelatin products and alternatives.


  • Supermarkets: Gelatin is commonly available in the baking or dessert section of major supermarkets like Woolworths or Coles. Look for brands like Aeroplane Jelly or McKenzie’s.
  • Health Food Stores: Health food stores often carry vegetarian or vegan gelatin alternatives like agar-agar or carrageenan.


  • Grocery Stores: Gelatin is usually found in the baking or dessert aisle of major grocery store chains like Loblaws or Sobeys. Brands like Knox or Jell-O are commonly stocked.
  • Online Retailers: Online platforms like Amazon or specialty baking supply stores offer a wide range of gelatin products and alternatives.

Please note that availability may vary depending on the specific store and location. It’s always a good idea to check local stores or online retailers for the most up-to-date information on gelatin and its alternatives in your area.