Discover this delicious and hearty spiced veggie stew, featuring bell peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes. Perfectly seasoned with aromatic herbs and spices, this easy vegan recipe is a comforting meal packed with vibrant flavors. Ideal for weeknight dinners or a healthy plant-based dish!

Let’s whip up a proper tasty spiced veggie stew that’ll knock your socks off! This one’s a belter, packed with Mediterranean flavors, and easy to make. Perfect for a cozy night in or to impress your mates at a dinner party.


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  1. First things first, give all your veggies a good wash. Peel those onions and garlic, then chop everything up into nice chunky bits. Don’t worry about being too precise – rustic is the name of the game here.

  2. Chuck all your chopped veg (except the garlic) into your slow cooker or crockpot. Drizzle over a generous amount of olive oil, sprinkle with salt, and hot pepper, and give it all a good mix.
  3. Set your cooker to fry mode and let it sizzle for about 25 minutes. The smell will be a knockout!
  4. Now, switch it over to stew mode for another half hour. This is where the magic happens – all those flavors will start mingling and getting to know each other.
  5. Time to add the garlic and that lovely Khmeli-Suneli. Give it all another stir and pop it back on fry mode for a final 15 minutes.
  6. And there you have it! Scoop your gorgeous stew into a big serving bowl.

You can tuck it in while it’s hot or let it cool down and serve it as a wicked cold starter with some crusty bread. Either way, it’s properly delicious.

This stew’s even better the next day, so don’t worry if you’ve made too much. It’ll keep in the fridge for a few days, and the flavors will just keep getting better and better. Enjoy, you lovely lot!

Cooking Time

  • Total cooking time (excluding preparation): 70 minutes (1 hour and 10 minutes)
  • Total time (including estimated preparation): 80-85 minutes (1 hour and 20-25 minutes)

Based on the recipe provided, here’s a breakdown of the cooking time:

Preparation (washing and chopping vegetables): Approximately 10-15 minutes (not specified in the recipe, but this is a reasonable estimate)

Frying mode: 25 minutes

Stew mode: 30 minutes

Final frying mode: 15 minutes

The recipe doesn’t specify a total cooking time, but based on the steps provided, this is the approximate time it would take to prepare and cook this Spiced Veggie Stew.

Equipment of Spiced Veggie Stew

Based on the recipe provided, the equipment needed for this Spiced Veggie Stew includes the following:

  • Slow cooker or crockpot. This is the main cooking vessel mentioned in the recipe. It should have both fry and stew modes.
  • Cutting board. For chopping the vegetables.
  • Sharp knife. For peeling and chopping the vegetables.
  • Measuring spoons. For measuring the Khmeli-Suneli spice mix.
  • Vegetable peeler. For peeling the onions and garlic (optional, as some people prefer to peel by hand).
  • Stirring spoon or spatula. For mixing the ingredients and stirring during cooking.
  • Serving bowl. A big bowl for serving the stew once it’s cooked.
  • Storage containers. If you plan to keep leftovers in the fridge.


  • Colander. For washing the vegetables, although this can be done in a clean sink as well.
  • Olive oil dispenser or measuring cup. For drizzling the olive oil over the vegetables.

The recipe doesn’t specifically mention all these items, but they are standard equipment typically needed for preparing and cooking this type of dish.

Benefits for Health of Spiced Veggie Stew

Based on the ingredients and cooking method of this Spiced Veggie Stew, here are some potential health benefits:

  1. High in nutrients. The variety of vegetables provides a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  2. Good source of fiber. Eggplant, zucchini, peppers, and tomatoes are all high in dietary fiber, which aids digestion and promotes feelings of fullness.
  3. Low in calories. This vegetable-based dish is naturally low in calories, making it a good option for weight management.
  4. Heart-healthy. The use of olive oil provides healthy monounsaturated fats, which are good for heart health.
  5. Anti-inflammatory properties. Many of the vegetables, especially tomatoes and bell peppers, contain compounds that may help reduce inflammation in the body.
  6. Rich in lycopene. Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene, an antioxidant linked to reduced risk of certain cancers and heart disease.
  7. Supports immune function. The garlic and various vegetables provide nutrients that can help boost the immune system.
  8. Hydrating. Many of these vegetables have high water content, contributing to overall hydration.
  9. Versatile for dietary needs. This dish is naturally vegan, and gluten-free, and can be adapted for various dietary requirements.
  10. Promotes vegetable intake. This flavorful dish can encourage increased consumption of vegetables, which is beneficial for overall health.

Remember, the health benefits can vary based on individual dietary needs and how the dish fits into one’s overall diet.

Eggplant nutrition facts | Eggplant Health Benefits

Video by SuccessCDs Education

Risks for the Health of Spiced Veggie Stew

While this Spiced Veggie Stew is generally a healthy dish, there are a few potential risks or considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Sodium content. The recipe calls for salt, which could be a concern for those on low-sodium diets or with high blood pressure. It’s easy to adjust by reducing or omitting the added salt.
  2. Nightshade vegetables. Eggplant, tomatoes, and bell peppers are nightshade vegetables. Some people with autoimmune conditions or sensitivities may need to avoid these.
  3. Acid reflux. Tomatoes and garlic can trigger acid reflux in susceptible individuals.
  4. Allergies. While rare, some people may have allergies to specific vegetables used in the recipe.
  5. Olive oil. While generally healthy, olive oil is calorie-dense. Excessive use could contribute to weight gain if not consumed in moderation.
  6. Spice sensitivity. The Khmeli-Suneli spice mix and hot pepper might be too strong for those with sensitive stomachs or those not accustomed to spicy foods.
  7. Reheating risks. If not stored or reheated properly, leftover stew could potentially grow harmful bacteria.

These risks are generally minor for most people, and many can be mitigated through proper preparation and individual dietary adjustments. As with any dish, it’s important to consider personal health conditions and dietary needs.

Tips for Spiced Veggie Stew

Alright, let’s dish out some proper tips to make this veggie stew bangin’:

  • Chop your veg chunky – we’re not making baby food here! Big, rustic pieces will give you a proper hearty stew.
  • Don’t skimp on the olive oil. A good glug will help everything caramelize nicely and boost the flavor.
  • Season as you go. Don’t wait till the end to add all your salt and spices. Layer those flavors, mate!
  • If your slow cooker doesn’t have a fry mode, no worries. Just give everything a quick sizzle in a pan first. It’ll make all the difference.
  • That Khmeli-Suneli is the secret weapon here. If you can’t find it, mix up some coriander, dill, basil, and blue fenugreek. It’ll do the trick.
  • Let it sit overnight if you can resist. This stew’s even better the next day when all the flavors have had a chance to get cozy.
  • Got leftovers? Blitz it up and you’ve got yourself a lush soup. Two meals for the price of one!
  • Don’t forget a nice crusty bread on the side. Perfect for mopping up all those gorgeous juices.

Remember, cooking’s all about having a laugh and making it your own. So get in there and give it a go!

Gastronomic Pairings

This Spiced Veggie Stew is a versatile dish that pairs well with a variety of accompaniments. Here are some top-notch suggestions to elevate your meal:

Crusty Bread. A classic French baguette or rustic sourdough is perfect for soaking up the flavorful juices.

Grains. Serve over fluffy couscous, quinoa, or brown rice to make it more substantial.

Yogurt. A dollop of Greek yogurt or labneh adds a creamy contrast and helps balance the spices.

Cheese. Crumbled feta or grated Parmesan can add a salty, savory note.

Wine. A medium-bodied red like Syrah or Zinfandel complements the rich vegetable flavors.

Herbs. Fresh cilantro, parsley, or mint can brighten up the dish.

Nuts. Toasted pine nuts or almonds can add a lovely crunch.

Lemon. A squeeze of fresh lemon juice just before serving can lift all the flavors.

Olives. A handful of Kalamata olives can add a briny depth.

Flatbreads. Warm pita or naan bread makes for great scooping.

Remember, the best pairing is often what you enjoy most. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find your perfect combination!

Khmeli-Suneli near me in USA, UK, EU, Australia, Canada, Japan

Khmeli-Suneli is a Georgian spice blend that’s becoming more popular globally. Here’s where you might find it in various countries:

  • USA:

– Specialty spice shops like Penzeys or The Spice House
– Some Whole Foods Markets
– Online retailers like Amazon or Etsy
– Ukrainian or Eastern European grocery stores

  • UK:

– Larger Tesco or Waitrose stores (in the international foods section)
– Spice shops in larger cities
– Online retailers like Souschef or Spice Mountain

  • EU:

– Specialty spice shops in major cities
– Online retailers specific to each country (e.g., Gewürzland in Germany)
– Eastern European markets

  • Australia:

– Specialty spice shops in major cities
– Online retailers like Herbies Spices or The Essential Ingredient
– Some larger supermarkets in the international foods section

  • Canada:

– Specialty spice shops in larger cities
– Some Loblaw or Sobeys stores in the international foods section
– Online retailers like Silk Road Spice Merchant

  • Japan:

– International supermarkets in major cities
– Online retailers that specialize in imported foods
– Specialty spice shops in Tokyo or other large cities

If you can’t find Khmeli-Suneli, you can often make a substitute blend using common spices like coriander, dill, basil, bay leaf, marjoram, fenugreek, and black pepper.

Availability can vary, so calling ahead or checking online inventories is a good idea. If all else fails, many online international food retailers will ship globally.