Listen up, you lovely lot! Today we’re cooking a proper treat to make your taste buds dance. It’s comfort food with a posh twist – creamy mashed potato topped with a dreamy shrimp sauce. Let’s get cracking!


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  1. Peel and chop your potatoes, chuck ’em in a pot with some water, and get them boiling on medium heat.
  2. While that’s happening, pop your peeled carrot and onion in another pot with water and a pinch of salt. Let them simmer for about 20 minutes, then toss in your prawns, shells and all. Give ’em 10 minutes, then drain and let cool before peeling.
  3. Now, for the sauce. Get a frying pan nice and hot with a splash of oil. Peel and chop your garlic, then fry it gently until it’s fragrant. Pour in the sour cream and stir it.
  4. Chop up your herbs and throw them in the pan. Add your peeled prawns and let everything bubble away for 10 minutes.
  5. Back to potatoes – drain ’em, mash ’em, and splash in some milk. Keep mashing until they’re smooth and creamy.
  6. Time to plate up! Dollop a generous heap of mash on each plate, top with your prawn sauce, and if you fancy, add some crisp cucumber on the side for a bit of crunch.

And there you have it, folks! A proper hearty meal that’s sure to impress. Tuck in and enjoy!

Cooking Time of Mashed Potato with Creamy Shrimp Sauce

let’s break that down a bit more for our eager cooks:

Prep time: 15 minutes

  • Peeling and chopping potatoes: 5 minutes
  • Peeling and chopping onion and carrot: 3 minutes
  • Peeling garlic: 2 minutes
  • Washing and chopping herbs: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 40 minutes

  • Boiling potatoes: 20-25 minutes
  • Simmering vegetables and cooking seafood: 30 minutes (overlaps with potato cooking)
  • Making the sauce: 15 minutes

Total time: 55 minutes

This timeline assumes you’re multitasking like a pro in the kitchen. You’ll be getting those potatoes on while prepping the veg, then moving on to the sauce while everything else is bubbling away. It’s a bit of a dance, but before you know it, you’ll have a delicious meal on the table in under an hour!

Serving Variation of Mashed Potato with Creamy Shrimp Sauce

Let’s add some serving variations to give our cooks more options. Here’s a new section we can add to the recipe:

  1. Fancy Pants Version. For a posh dinner party, serve the mash in individual ramekins. Top with the shrimp sauce and garnish with a sprig of fresh dill and a lemon wedge. Proper fancy, that!
  2. Fisherman’s Pie Style. Layer the mash over the shrimp sauce in an oven-proof dish, sprinkle with grated cheese, and grill until golden and bubbly. It’s like a hug in a dish!
  3. Lighter Option. Swap the mashed potatoes for cauliflower mash. Simply steam cauliflower florets and blitz them with a bit of butter and milk. Fewer carbs, same comfort!
  4. Surf ‘n’ Turf. Add some crispy bacon bits to the shrimp sauce for a bit of meaty goodness. The salty crunch goes a treat with the creamy sauce.
  5. Spice it Up. Mix some smoked paprika or cajun seasoning into the mash for a flavor kick. It’ll give your dish a warm, smoky note.
  6. Veggie Boost. Stir some steamed peas or spinach into the mash. It’ll add some color and up your veg intake in one go.

Remember, these are just ideas to get you started. Feel free to play around and make it your own. That’s what cooking’s all about!

Why This Dish Is Good For You

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Mash and cream sauce? Healthy?” But hear me out, mates. This recipe’s got more good stuff going for it than you might think:

  • Protein Powerhouse. Those lovely prawns are packed with lean protein. Great for your muscles and keeps you full for longer.
  • Nutrients. Potatoes get a bad rap, but they’re full of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Just don’t peel ’em – the skin’s where the good stuff hides!
  • Garlic Goodness. This little flavor bomb is great for your heart and might even help keep those pesky colds at bay.
  • Dairy Boost. The milk and sour cream give you a nice calcium kick for strong bones and teeth.
  • Veggie Variety. With onion and carrot in the mix, you’re getting extra vitamins and fiber without even trying.

So there you have it! It might not be rabbit food, but this comfort meal has plenty going for it on the health front. Everything in moderation, right? And when it tastes this good, your soul gets a bit of nourishment too!

A Word to the Wise: Health Considerations

Right, let’s have a proper chat about this dish. While it’s tasty and has some good bits, it’s only fair to mention a few things to keep in mind:

  • Calorie Conscious. This isn’t exactly a lightweight meal. Between potatoes and the creamy sauce, it can be quite calorie-dense. If you’re watching your waistline, you might want to keep portions in check.
  • Cholesterol Check. The combo of prawns and dairy means this dish packs a fair bit of cholesterol. If that’s a concern for you, you might want to make it an occasional treat.
  • Carb Loading. Mashed potatoes are high in carbs. Brilliant for energy, but something to be aware of if you’re keeping an eye on your blood sugar.
  • Dairy Dilemma. If you’re lactose intolerant or watching your saturated fat intake, the milk and sour cream might not be your best mate.
  • Shellfish Sensitivities. Shrimp and prawns are a common allergen. If you’re cooking for others, always check if anyone has a shellfish allergy.

Remember, it’s all about balance. This dish can be part of a healthy diet if you enjoy it in moderation and pair it with other nutritious meals throughout the week. Listen to your body, and if you have any specific health concerns, have a chat with your doctor or a nutritionist.

Equipment for Mashed Potato with Creamy Shrimp Sauce

Alright, before we get cracking, let’s make sure you’ve got all the gear. Don’t worry, you won’t need any fancy gadgets – just your standard kitchen bits and bobs:

  • Two decent-sized pots – one for spuds, one for the veg and shrimp
  • A colander or sieve – for draining those potatoes and shrimp
  • A good sharp knife – for all that chopping and peeling
  • Cutting board – to save your countertops!
  • A potato masher – or a fork if you’re in a pinch (and have strong arms!)
  • A frying pan – for that lush sauce
  • Wooden spoon or spatula – for stirring and scraping
  • Measuring jug – for the milk and cream (but let’s be honest, eyeballing it works too)
  • Plates for serving – the prettier, the better!
  • A peeler – for potatoes, unless you’re keeping the skins on (good choice, more nutrients that way!)

Optional but handy:

  • Garlic press – if you can’t be bothered with fine chopping,
  • Hand blender – if you want your mash silky smooth.

That’s it! Nothing too fancy, just the usual suspects you’d find in most kitchens. Now you’re all set to get cooking. Let’s get stuck in!

Peeling Shrimp: No Sweat!

Listen up, here’s how to get those shrimp out of their armor:

  1. Twist and Pop. Grab the shrimp’s head and give it a gentle twist. It should pop right off. Chuck it in the bin (or save it for stock if you’re feeling cheffy).
  2. Legs Be Gone. Grip the legs and pull them off in one go. They’re not shy, they’ll come away easily.
  3. Tail Decision Time. You can leave the tail on for presentation, or whip it off. If you’re binning it, pinch the tail and pull – the shrimp should slide right out.
  4. De-veining Debate. See that dark line along the back? That’s the digestive tract. Some folks like to remove it, others don’t bother. If you want it gone, use a small knife to make a shallow cut along the back and lift it out.
  5. Final Check. Give your shrimp a quick rinse under cold water to wash away any bits you’ve missed.

And there you have it! You’re now a shrimp-peeling pro. Remember, practice makes perfect. Soon you’ll be shelling these little beauties faster than you can say “Pass the garlic butter!”

Top Tip: If you’ve bought your prawns or shrimp frozen, let them thaw in the fridge overnight before peeling. It’ll make the job much easier, and your fingers won’t turn into icicles!

Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How To Prep Shrimp | Hell's Kitchen

Video by Hell’s Kitchen

Prawns vs Shrimp: What’s the Deal?

Alright, let’s clear up this seafood mystery. In the UK (and in our recipe), we tend to use “prawns” for both prawns and shrimp. But if you’re curious, here’s the lowdown:

  1. Size matters. Prawns are usually bigger than shrimp. But this isn’t a hard and fast rule.
  2. Claw-some difference. Prawns have claws on three of their five pairs of legs, while shrimp have claws on two pairs. But who’s counting legs when you’re cooking, right?
  3. Body type. Prawns are a bit straighter, while shrimp have more of a curve to them.
  4. Flavor. Some reckon prawns are a tad sweeter, but honestly, in a dish like this, you’d be hard-pressed to tell the difference.
  5. Interchangeable in cooking. For most recipes, including ours, you can use either. It won’t make or break the dish.

The bottom line? Whether you’ve got prawns or shrimp, they work a treat in this recipe. So use whichever you can get your hands on, and it’ll be delicious either way!

Remember, the terms are used interchangeably in many parts of the world. So don’t stress if you can’t find specifically ‘prawns’ – shrimp will do the job just fine in our creamy sauce!